Monday, March 16, 2009

The 3 Headed Online Marketing Monster

BoomJ Inc./Beyond Commerce is the parent company of this "Three Headed Online Marketing Monster". Here is the breakdown:, the leading online community for Baby Boomers, providing networking, e-commerce, and best of breed content in heath, finance, politics, technology, and lifestyle designed for those born between the years of 1945 and 1965.

The latest division,, is an online search directory for local businesses
nationwide and is the main hub for a sophisticated advertising network of owned, operated, and third party sites (including sites partnered through the company’s e-commerce division). LocalAdLink sells ads to local business, and serves these ads across its entire network using proprietary geo-targeted software to market local ads to viewers within a “living distance” of the viewer’s zip code. Additionally, LocalAdLink pushes ads out to Google, Yahoo, and an additional 100 search engines across the Internet.

And finally, i-Supply. is the e-commerce solutions division, which provides the ability for participating sites to generate revenues from the sales of over 1.8 million brand name products through customizable online retail storefronts. i-Supply offers a free and easy to use e-commerce widget for websites, making it simple for any site to create a fully functioning retail store to seamlessly fit their web page. BOOMj, Inc. retains complete control of remnant advertising space on i-Supply’s partnered storefronts, providing an extraordinary and powerful reach to Local Ad Link customers, that no other web company has been able to create so far.

Now, I want to expand on what this all means for you as a business owner/advertiser in your local market. Simply put, what we have here is a revolutionary breakthrough in marketing, specifically online. So you might be saying, "Big deal, they advertise on a couple of other websites that they own...what is the big deal??"

Let me tell you. First of all any of these applications (,, or the i-Supply widget) would be successful standing on their own because they are either in a perfect niche or because they are technologically advanced...people either need them or want them. The thing that makes this so huge is that they are all working in conjunction with one another, so when you purchase your ad on Local Ad Link, you aren't just getting the exposure that is going to generate on it's own. Instead you have the leading social network for the most prolific spenders in the market today exclusively showcasing your geo-targeted ad as they keep up with their friends and the latest news, trends, and lifestyle tips. Needless to say, a great place for your ad to be and good news for you is that they will only be fed ads from the Local Ad Link network.

And it only gets better! Not only does Local Ad Link push your ad out to hundreds of search sites like Google, MSN, Ask, Yahoo, mySpace, LinkedIn, and others but soon you will also see your ad on every site that begins to use the new, free, widget technology of i-Supply. So why is i-Supply such a big deal? Well lets start with why a website owner would want to use such a widget? Well, the obvious is that they can make money. After installing the widget all they have to do is drive traffic to their site (which they are likely already trying to do) and enjoy the ride. i-Supply handles everything else, from product warehousing, product purchases, invoicing, shipping, returns...everything. "OK" you say, "what you have is another affiliate program right?" Wrong. The difference between having i-Supply on your site and having say, Amazon's affiliate program on your site is that we don't redirect the traffic you work so hard to generate to your site. Instead, we only ask that you use our widget, which stays embedded on your site; even as some makes a purchase. Lets say for example that you are a photographer visiting reading about all the latest techniques on how to capture lightning. While you are there you visit the "shop" section for the latest gear. It just so happens that the "shop" section is one of the i-Supply beta sites. Seamlessly allowing your customers to make a purchase and stay on your site to finish reading the information which compelled them visit in the first place. Meanwhile, you get a percentage of the purchase price without any additional effort, and you never loose any of the traffic you work so hard to drive to your site.

To get more information on how to get started with your Local Ad Link Ad and begin taking advantage of this revolution in marketing visit me at:

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